Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Becoming The After

Becoming the After….what does that even mean?  Well, aren't we a little obsessed with makeovers of any sort; home, fashion, hair, fitness and beauty?  I love the idea of transformation, the idea that you don't have to be stuck in a rut, you can change.  Today I am reflecting on what my "After" would be in various areas of my life and how would I get there.  I'm also challenging you to reflect on your "After"- how can you be your best you?  I would love to hear your comments on the subject and in the meantime I'll share some great "Afters" to inspire you!

Home Makeover (and a great blog!)
Ok, so I'm sure that the painted brick is not for everyone- but I adore it!  And that copper awning and the new double front door make it look so welcoming.  Lush green grass and simply elegant landscaping finish off the makeover.  I think this is so inspiring because the "Before" was so mundane and typical- it could be in any neighborhood in any town in America, and the "After" is just so special and unique.

Fitness Makeover

So here's the thing about this 21-Day Makeover- I love it and I hate it.  I don't want to insinuate that you can completely change your body in 21 days and I think that we all know that fitness is about a lifestyle change.  However, having said that, I love that this 21-Day plan gives you a starting point to getting in shape or it can renew your current fitness plan.  Also, 21-Days is completely achievable and it is enough time to see some results-which will empower you to keep on the right track.

Fashion Makeover

Who doesn't love the fashion montage scene from The Devil Wears Prada?  Her "Before" reminds me of a time that in my life when I just didn't take care of myself- I distinctly remember sitting in my hairstylist's chair about 6 months after the birth of my daughter and thinking "What happened to me?!?".  I was dressing sloppily, not taking care of my skin and going WAY too long in between haircuts.  That was the point at which I started my journey to my "After".   I started taking pride in my choice of clothing, getting my haircut on time (mostly) and researching skin care and makeup techniques.  I also got back into exercising regularly and attempting to eat right (which is a constant battle for me these days).  I'm certainly not an advocate of pure vanity and I don't think that the way you look defines you.  There are many other facets to all of us that are much more important than our outer appearance, but for me, the way that I take care of my outer appearance does say something about the way I feel inwardly.  So, how are you going to get your "After"?

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