Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Blackhead Myth

Blackheads are a nuisance, plain and simple.  They are one of the most difficult things to get rid of and they come back much too easily.  One of the reasons for this is that they are often misunderstood by the vast majority of people and apparently by marketers of beauty products as well.

The myth about blackheads is that they are caused by dirt and improper skin cleansing.  Many believe that blackheads are a result of dirt from the surface of the skin "seeping" down into the pores- hence the reason for so many "pore shrinking" products.  Actually, blackheads are a result of sebum and cellular debris that cannot properly escape the pore because the opening of the pore is being blocked by dead, flattened skin cells.  This buildup oxidizes and turns black, in the case of a blackhead (a whitehead is the same thing except that oxygen is not able to get to the buildup so it stays white).

So, what can be done about this?  Well, for starters we can all stop over cleansing and scrubbing our faces. This just causes excess inflammation and does not do anything to remove or prevent blackheads.  The gold standard for blackhead removal and prevention is chemical exfoliation.  By exfoliating the skin with chemicals such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid, you remove the dead skin cells that are blocking the pore and allow the buildup to naturally flow out.  Depending on the strength of acid you choose, this process can take a couple of weeks to fully work and you have to be diligent to maintain the exfoliation, or else those blackheads will quickly return.  Try our Renew-An Exfoliating Mask to begin exfoliating your skin safely and effectively.

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